Holiday Here This Year!

Yesterday questions were posed about ‘should I travel now with the COVID-19 or Coronavirus?’ on both our new Facebook group: ‘I Love Camping Australia Wide‘ and the Camps Australia WIde Facebook page

It was pretty well unanimous! Overwhelmingly, the feedback was pro-travel, like: 

“Everyone we have spoken to on the road feel better staying away from the madness. Don’t delay.”

“Life is short, don’t wait.”

“..stock up on what you need…pack that van and go.. get away from the craziness…relax by a river, sip wine and enjoy in peace with your puppies..”

“Safer in the bush than in the crowds”

“…Load up with food, DRINK, coupla cans Glen 20. Head north!”

“I figure you got less chance on the road, than in the burbs, of getting crook.”

Others gave some advice:

“So long as you aren’t in the high risk category go for it, if you are, self isolate. In other words go for it and enjoy.”

Many reinforced “wash hands”, “sunshine” and practice “vigilant hygiene”.

Be aware that many Indigenous Communities would not have permits available. 

Travellers were urged to “keep phone service available” and “maybe invest in a satellite phone to increase your coverage”.

The times are certainly troubling right now. Like another traveller, we too are planning to plough our dollars “into the rural communities around Oz” and #HolidayHereThisYear – what do you think? 



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