Council campgrounds to reopen in Gladstone, Queensland

Gladstone Regional Council (GRC) advises that its managed campgrounds will reopen from 2pm on Friday 28 August.

Council-managed campgrounds to reopen include:

  • Calliope River Picnic Area – north and south side (pictured)
  • Futter Creek Camping Reserve, Boynedale
  • The Oaks Camping Ground, Facing Island
  • South End Camping Ground, Curtis Island.

Based on advice from Queensland Health, campgrounds that are free of charge and do not have shared amenities (other than toilets) are not required to operate under an Approved COVID Safe Plan. This applies to the campgrounds listed above.

However, GRC will put signage in place to encourage physical distancing, hand and respiratory hygiene and will undertake regular cleaning of toilets at these campgrounds.

QR Codes will be located on signage at the entry to campgrounds for contact tracing purposes.

Gladstone Region Mayor Matt Burnett said GRC actively worked with stakeholders to reopen its Council-managed campgrounds since their closure on 28 July.

“GRC proactively sought advice from the peak body for local government in Queensland, LGAQ, who advised that Queensland Health had softened its position,” Councillor Burnett said.

“To make everyone’s stay at our campgrounds a healthy and enjoyable experience, Council asks visitors to these areas to practice physical and social distancing, good personal hygiene including use of hand sanitiser, hand washing and covering your mouth if sneezing or coughing.”

Council asks visitors to not attend one of its managed campgrounds if you have returned from overseas or a COVID-19 hotspot in the past 14 days, have cold or flu-like symptoms, or have been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the past 14 days.

Visit for more information on Council-managed campgrounds in the Gladstone Region.



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