Favourite free camp: Long Waterhole, Winton, Queensland

Camps Australia Wide stop at Winton - Long Waterhole, Queensland - Drone image by Hugh Gilmore
Drone image by Hugh Gilmore

Geez, we enjoyed our night here! The sky and birdlife was amazing – but rug up as it was on the chilly side (it was winter).⠀

Long Waterhole in Winton, Queensland is commonly known as the locals’ waterhole. It is approximately 2 km from Winton (dirt road) on the Jundah Road. Long Waterhole is man-made and was once used during the Outback Festival as the site for the World Crayfish Derby!

Camps Australia Wide stop at Winton - Long Waterhole, Queensland
Camps Australia Wide stop at Winton - Long Waterhole

The townsfolk often go there in the summertime for a swim and occasionally a speedboat will be launched for a spot of water-skiing! Here’s some other attractions to do and see whilst you are in Winton

Winton Long Waterhole, Queensland - Pelican
It's amazing how far a Pelican can fly inland

You can fish here, too. The pelicans certainly were. It was lovely listening to the bird song as I relaxed and read my book.

And the neighbours were friendly!

A cracking spot (Qld site 406 in Camps 12) – walk further out and see the emus. You can go for a great walk around the waterhole, but not sure if the trail continues all the way around. ⠀

It was very dry when we stopped here, but it can get quite boggy. It is pet friendly and is suitable for all kinds of camping, including Big Rigs, however, there are no facilities.

And did I mention those western sunsets? Stunning!

Drone image by Hugh Gilmore

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