Check out these Bucket List camps at Australia’s extremities

Oberon Bay Wilsons Promontory by Joy O'Neill
Oberon Bay Wilsons Promontory by Joy O'Neill

There’s so much to share with you this week! Most of you may have visited Australia’s most easterly point is Cape Byron in NSW, but have you experienced our mainland’s most northerly, southerly and westerly points – including Punsand Bay and Cape YorkWilsons Prom and Steep Point? And have you trekked to Tassie’s most southerly location? You can read about all of them and where to camp nearby below.

We won third place in the Melbourne Cup – a grand total of $4 profit. (Pretty good when you only buy some sweeps and bet $1 each way!) How did you fare?

More exciting was where we watched the horses – we had so much fun with swims and dining out in Hervey Bay – all walking distance from Scarness Beachfront Tourist Park, pictured below! What a fantastic location. I love walking along the Esplanade.

Even more thrilling – our CAMPS Pendium has been really popular and we’ve received some lovely feedback already. Thank you everyone – I think you will LOVE it! And no, the books are not sold separately – just one beautiful book set (with $25 off for our readers), but get in early if you want it under the Christmas tree. Our new stubby holders, shirts and caps have also been flying out the door!

All of the campsites and parks are in our Books, POI for your Sat Nav and Camps Australia Wide App.

Scarness Beachfront Tourist Park
Scarness Beachfront Tourist Park

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