CAMPING 101: Prior Planning Prevents a Psss Poor Holiday

Holiday at a great winter free camp spot at Goodooga Artesian Baths NSW
Great winter free camp spot at Goodooga Artesian Baths NSW

‘Scuse the French. You’ve saved for it. Dreamed of it. Made time for it. Nothing is worse than your holiday experience (and dollars) going down the porta potty or loo!

To make the most of every moment of your travels, this week we share our CAMPS Australia Wide 5 P’s of camping.

Remember you can find a huge selection of FREE CAMPS on our website – and there are thousands in our CAMPS+ App and travel guides.

Let’s be practical. To camp, you need to have a vehicle and a way to sleep under the stars… 

Where to? What type of sites do you prefer? What is your timeframe? Here is how we build an holiday itinerary… 

One of our mottos is “save money, travel further”. Take note of how one couple saved thousands.

This is not just about who you are touring with. Here’s how not to ‘psss’ people off when you camp

Listen and share around campfires. Ask questions at tourist information centres. And here’s another way to chat with like minded travellers.

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