UPDATE: Now that travel restrictions are lifting, it really is the time to get behind these farmers even more! We have a whole heap of other farm stays in our books and CAMPS AUSTRALIA WIDE APP, many are seasonal – and winter is a great time to add them to your list also. All the news in this free guide are open year round. So what are you waiting for?
Over the last couple of months, we’ve raised over $3000 for Drought Angels with your donations for our free Farmstay Guide.
The guide lists 10 farm or station stays in drought affected areas in Queensland and NSW.
Rains will come (in some places have had a little), but it will still take years to recover from this drought.
We don’t want Australians in the drought areas to be forgotten – so we are asking you, our CAMPS AUSTRALIA WIDE Community, to visit these drought-stricken areas.
These farmers need your help. Their communities are hurting. Every dollar you spend to stay on these farms and in these rural areas helps locals, and keeps jobs and small businesses alive. Rains will come, but it will still take years to recover from this drought.
We look forward to seeing your photos as you travel to these farm and station stays.